Michaek Lucas Gigolos - Beau Livre Bruno Gmunder Zoom × Michaek Lucas Gigolos - Beau Livre Bruno Gmunder Previous Next NOT AVAILABLE Our price: 26.95 € Ref.9783867870061 Description: More about this product Michael Lucas and his gigolos come from the upper crust of society. They live a life deluxe; glamorous and sexy. They come in all the varieties one can wish for. The muscular model and hung boy go hand in hand. Following the elaborate staged films that are as successful as award-winning, such as "Michael Lucas' Dangerous Liaisons" and "Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita." Finally here it is: Michael Lucas, The Book. 112 pages, full color, hardcover, 19,5 x 26 cm, 7¾ x 10¼" Other informations: ♦ Nb Pages:112 - Print:Color Categories: Gay Photos AlbumsNew sex toys Lubrifiant Eros Silk (flacon) - 1.0 l 69.99 € Pack Spécial 2 Lubrifist - 200 ml 30.20 € Liquid Silk - 250 ml 17.10 € You can order by phone: +33130401550, (France), from monday to sunday, 9Am to 8 Pm - AGayN.com est un site Web Français ! AGayN is a FRENCH gay WEBSITE: Allez à la version française - Go to the french versionAGayN ® is a trademark registered under the #06/3426620. Your Customer Space | Back to the menu | Sale Conditions