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Corbin Fisher Amateur College Men - Beau Livre Bruno Gmunder

Corbin Fisher Amateur College Men - Beau Livre Bruno Gmunder

Our price: 29.95 €




More about this product 
Outdoor erotic at its best! Corbin Fisher presents these young, tight-bodied hetero blokes in erotic encounters without any unnecessary ornamentation. The men are well built and sexy across the board, but the best is they're simply themselves! The genuineness of Fisher's photos is what makes this photography collection so alluring, whether they're active, alone in the shower or having a tender intimate moment with another man! This is required "reading" in a large quadratic format for all fans of true-blue heteros!

120 pages, full color,
hardcover, 22 x 23 cm,
8¾ x 9¼”,

Other informations:

♦ Nb Pages:120 - Print:Color


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