Le Poppers MAGNUM Amyl Propyl à essayer de toute urgence pour les amateurs de rapports sexuels bien planants !
Ce mélange des deux nitrites d'amyle et de propyle vous procurera des effets ULTRA FORTS.
Son large goulot est un énorme plus: il permet de diffuser un maximum de produit en très peu de temps
Attention, MAGNUM Amyl Propyl est recommandé aux initiés !
To be used with moderation. Do not drink or inject. Harmful by inhalation.Warning on the use of Poppers MAGNUM PROPYL AMYL 15 ml:
♦ Poppers is a highly flammable product. Poppers is harmful by inhalation, skin contact and ingestion.
♦ Do not swallow, and call the Poison Control Center and the 15 in case of poppers ingestion.
Keep your bottle(s) of poppers out of reach of children in a cool, ventilated place.
♦ Saling poppers is authorized in France. We thank you to check the conformity of poppers with the legislation of your country before any purchase.♦ Never combine the Poppers MAGNUM PROPYL AMYL 15 ml with capsules / pills intended to promote erection and/or in case of heart problems.